Well, it looks like it’s really going to happen! I’m going to England to celebrate completing my MLS degree. So join me for “Where in England is Priscilla?” I’ve been planning this trip, re-planning, and cussing the volcano, Eyjafjallajokull, for almost derailing the whole thing, but planes are flying again and I plan on being on one Thursday.
I’d planned on re-reading Jane (Austen, that is), checking out Arthur (the King and his Round Table), and revisiting Beatrix (and her cute bunny, Peter.) But I’ve run out of time for reading up on everything, so now it’s down to trying to see it all first hand. And learn to drive on the left side of the road. Being I don’t know my left from my right anyway, I figure it will be easy ;-)
I’ll be posting pictures and adventures, literary and otherwise, along the way for the Rockin’ Readers – but hey, even if your not a Rockin’ Reader you can join the fun and find out “Where in England is Priscilla?”
I'll give you a head start. We land in Bristol on Friday am. So follow the journey from there.
Oh, boy, am I ever jealous; however, I will get over that very quickly, wish you godspeed, and revel in an armchair (or computer desk!) visit with you. Have a wonderful time, Make it truly memorable. You have certainly earned it. You do so much for us here. Happy Trails!!!