We visited a few places in Yorkshire, including the Ryedale Folk Museum which highlights Yorkshire life and farming in the 1800 and 1900's. They have a few old breeds of livestock, including the Lincolnshire Curly coated pig. Isn't she a beaut?
Then we took a boat cruise along the chalk cliffs of eastern Yorkshire, where over 200,000 seabirds nest each spring and fall. They include razorbills, guillemots, gannets and puffins. Here are the cliffs with a colony of gannets. Gannets have over a 6 foot wingspan. They were almost extinct in England and have made a great comeback in the last 20 years.
Finally, we saw a few of the more elusive puffins. You probably can't tell from this photo - it was hard to get up close and personal, but here's a puffin. If you look closely you can see it's telltale white cheeks.
That hairy pig looks rather much like a sheep! May has half its days left for your travels and enjoyment. Make the most of it!