Arrived Friday and have been rapidly learning new things. Like how to flush British toilets and drive on the left side of the road. Visited Wells, UK famous for it's Cathedral that is decorated with loads of statues. The pigeons like them, too!
There's a Bishop's Palace there, too that's surrounded by a moat. Just like a castle.
Yesterday, we visited Montacute House, a 16th century Elizabethan Manor. How'd you like to call this home?
Okay, I am ready to move! Does a bigtime housekeeper come with that place? Looks like we may need a groundskeeper too! I cannot begin to imagine living in such a place. I suppose somewhere in the midst of all its grandeur though one can find a cosy spot for a good book or two. Best wishes for your continued enjoyable travels as you soak up the culture and even the locals...probably all grand fun! Enjoy!!!